Religious Tourism in Egypt

Egypt one of the countries located on the African continent in this country's history and heritage tourist places are stunning. Almost all regions in Egypt has historical value. 10 Egyptian tourist destination list is certainly not able to represent what the real Egypt.

1. The Pyramids and the Sphinx

Egypt is almost identical with its pyramids and sphinx. There are more than 80 pyramids in Egypt, and is the largest pyramid Pyramids of Giza and the Great Sphinx is the largest shpinx. In the body of the pyramid there is a mummy or kings are preserved, while the sphinx is a human-headed lion. Pyramids and sphinx in Egypt prove that the highest man-made structure in the world that holds many mysteries.

2. Cairo

Egypt's capital city is the largest city in Africa and the most populous. Cairo is also a center of Islamic science. The oldest university in the world Al-Azhar was also in Cairo. Building houses, ancient buildings are very thick with Islamic architecture. Cairo is the nickname for the city by 1000 the tower. Because of mosques in Cairo minimum has two towers.

3. Alexandria

Or Al Iskandariyya Alexandria is Egypt's second largest city and one of the most famous cities in the world. In Alexandria there is a sphinx and the ancient Roman theater. The Great Lighthouse included in the 7 Wonders of the World. Many tourists are attracted to visit Alexandria because the place is very beautiful.

4. Red Sea

Red Sea is mentioned in the holy book at the time of Moses parting the Red Sea with his cane. When the followers of Moses and the Israelites escape the Pharaoh. Suez Canal connects the Red Sea (Egypt) to the Mediterranean Sea. Red Sea biodiversity, coral reefs, atolls and high salinity. Although many dangerous species in the Red Sea, but it did not dampen the divers to enjoy its beauty.

5. Luxor

Luxor is an ancient city in South Heliopolis, in Luxor there are many historical sites such as the monuments of Ancient Egypt lie, the ruins of the temples and tombs as well as the largest open-air museum. Tourism is the economic foundation of the population of Luxor.
Nile River

6. Nile

The Nile is the longest river in the world and where the legendary Moses never washed away into the Nile until found by Pharaoh's daughter. The Nile is the heart of Egypt's population lives. Egyptian public life rests on the Nile. Start of tourism facilities, dams, the center of economy, agriculture, fisheries, transportation and so forth. Not one if there is a saying that says, "The Nile is a gift to the people of Egypt".

7. Hurghada

Hurghada is a city in Egypt, located on the Red Sea and is famous for its beautiful beaches with white sand. Hurghada also offers tourist attractions are well-supported facilities. In Hurghada there are many resorts, hotels and inns. Coral reefs Hurghada Beach is considered the most beautiful in the world. Hurghada also become an international center of water sports such as windsurfing, sailing, diving and more.

8. Sharm el-Sheikh

Sharm el-Sheikh is Egypt tourist town area, lots of entertainment and tourism facilities available here. Strategic position overlooking the Bay of Tiran and the Gulf of Aqaba, Sharm el-Sheikh is a paradise of water attractions such as snorkeling, scuba diving and more. In Sharm el-Sheikh, we can see Mount Sinai and Naama Bay. Golf course with complete facilities are also available there.

9. Karnak

Karnak is a temple complex, the ruins of temples, colonnades and other buildings. This site shows that the first ever lasted a civilization. There are 3 main temple and many small temples. In the reign of Pharaoh, Karnak was built as a place of worship.

10. Mount Sinai

Mount Sinai is the highest peak in the town of Saint Kahterine's. Mount Sinai is visited by many tourists, because in this mountain Moses received the revelation of God, which is the 10 commandments were given to Israel. At the peak of Sinai also stands a mosque and a church, and many climbers are attracted towards the peak.

Kilimanjaro One of the highest mountain in the world

Located 340 km south of the equator, Mount Kilimanjaro is one of three mountains open to the eternal snow on the equator, in addition to Cayambe in Ecuador and peak Jaya in Indonesia.
As the main object in Tanzania and the symbol of the East African countries, in 1973 made the National Park Kilimanjaro region, and in 1987 Kilimanjaro National Park (KINAPA) is recognized as a Natural Heritage Site by the United Nations. Currently, Kilimanjaro region with Kibo Peak (5,895 m asl) as the highest roof of the African continent, visited by more than 35,000 visitors each year.
Various accessibility, accommodation, security, and professional guide services, allowing more people to enjoy the natural beauty of this increasingly scarce. Kilimanjaro as a world natural heritage improve itself and in the last 4 years of tourist arrivals increased by over three-fold.
Fabulous Observing nature management in Kili, traveling in the mission "Kilimanjaro for Lupus" continues to create awe and envy. Tanzania, a developing country with over 30 percent of the population below the poverty line, capable of highly disciplined. Marangu Gate is one of the 7 route ascent to the summit of Kilimanjaro at an altitude of 1,800 m. Management office building containing three officers met the prospective climbers who lined up neatly.
In front of a small kiosk, containing the complete needs of climbing up a souvenir merchandise. Bathroom facilities sit and picnic area neat and clean, four noticeboard climbing, prohibition, appeal and regulations terjajar climbing nicely on a wooden board with carved inscription legible.
The entire building is identified with a clear point board. Not visible garbage can, but we did not find any garbage scattered. The guides reliably help us register and manage logistics with 26 porters, cooks, and assistant guides are largely a Chagga tribe, the largest tribe in the Kilimanjaro region.
Pristine natural setting along the 70 km journey up and down we feel so deeply. Flora and fauna that we encountered seemed quiet undisturbed. Picnic area in the form of a wooden bench table, cottage WC clean and maintained in every 5-7 km trip, three climbers hut with a capacity of 70 people in Mandara, Horombo 148 people and 58 people in the Kibo ready welcome.
Each cottage triangular structure with bunk beds for 4-10 climber is a wooden building with bedding and pillows. The cottage was enough to make us more comfortable than sleeping in a tent. In addition, available WC with abundant water, dining hall, common kitchen and specialized guides and porters lodge, plus a solar panel that is ready to light up every room every night.
Good facilities without user discipline, whatever that means. In KINAPA guides hold the key in the management of national parks. By guiding the categorization system versus reward, they are required to continue to improve services, natural science, technical knowledge climbing and rescue, as well as the ability to communicate and speak.
Penalty system, in the form of a suspension to revocation of license, apply KINAPA management to ensure no violations, such as the use of fuels that are not recommended, disturb the flora and fauna, the use of outside service provision, negligence guides, and other strict rules that can stop the source of the income of the guide .
Being a guide is a dream of most people Chagga tribe who live around the foot of Kilimanjaro. It took more than 5 years to become the head of the guide, with the highest rewards. With 2-3 years experience to be a porter to forge physical, 2 years of education on the job training as an assistant guide, until finally the test by KINAPA for certification guides.
As in many developing countries, the welfare of the guides and porters still an important issue. The great advantage is still more absorbed tour operators who live in urban areas. Facilities completeness climbing equipment until proper clothing can not always be met. Until many who suffer from pain and even death.
Two large association was formed in early 2003; KPAP (Kilimanjaro Porters Assistance Project) and KGPU (Kilimanjaro Guides and Porter Union). KPAP an initiative of the International Mountain Explorers Connections based in America, who fight for the rights of the porter in the whole world, such as in the area of ​​Nepal Annapurna Sanctuary and the Inca trail in Peru. Services in the form of loaning equipment to proper clothing free of charge; English language training, P3K to HIV knowledge that hit eight percent of the population of Tanzania; personal financial management; and to educate users porter services. Medium KGPU established by former guide and porter, Joseph Nyabasi, with the aim of improving the welfare of those who make a living from the mountain through the same mission.
Demands professionalism coupled with worker protection agencies in the mountain, making this region one of the most popular natural tourist destination.