"Horshoe" Niagara Falls

Not long ago, I had the opportunity to watch Niagara Falls from a very close distance. It was truly an amazing experience for me. Me and my friends visited Horseshoe Falls on the Canadian side, which is so named because of its shape. There is one thing I have never done. I have never sailed the boat ride up the river directly opposite the waterfall. However, people have been doing this since the excursion boat Maid of the Mist was inaugurated in 1848. Millions of people have held this exciting journey. Now, it's my turn.

Routinely, the boats depart from both sides of the river, the American side or the Canadian side. There is always a line. We can see people of all age groups, even small children, wearing a plastic raincoat blue light, which is useful for protecting visitors from water splashes. (For people who visit the Niagara USA, yellow raincoat.) The boat Maid of the Mist VII can carry up to 582 passengers. This boat weighs 145 tons with a length of 24 meters and a width of 9 meters. Today, there are four ships operating, Maid of the Mist IV, V, VI, and VII.


We stood in line with many other visitors, and as soon as the Maid of the Mist VII lowering the visitors who already wetness, we all entered. I know that we will soon enjoy an exciting journey. In the distance, approximately one kilometer, waterfalls thundering falls from a height of 52 meters into the valley below as deep as 55 meters. The boat set off across the river and sail to the American side past the swirling waters at the foot of Niagara American, total 54 meters high. * The most exciting part is yet to come.It seemed to grow tense just as we got closer to the waterfall. Now, it is difficult to take photos because the wind was too strong and too big splash. The boat was moving slowly while the captain put it to the point of the waterfall, where more than 168,000 cubic meters of water per minute fall and plunge right in front of our boat! Her voice is powerful. You will not be able to hear the cries of your own. My heart was pounding. I can taste the water of Niagara, it feels cold but apparently pure. Truly an unforgettable experience!

Although it seems a long time, finally the captain of the boat slowly distancing the danger line and go downstream. It was a relief. Already completed. However, in fact, there is nothing to fear. Companies that operate these ships have an accident-free record. Emil Bende, president of the company's steam boat, assured us that each boat is equipped with a float and sufficient lifeboats for the passengers in the maximum capacity. There would be no case Titanic here!

Location of Niagara is more backwards!

Yes, erosion has damaged this waterfall. It is estimated that during the past 12,000 years, Niagara Falls has retreated about 11 kilometers, up to its present location. Erosion rates have been about three feet per year. Now, already declining, about 36 centimeters per decade. What is the cause of this erosion?Water flows over a layer of hard dolomite limestone that lies on top of a layer of sandstone and shale are soft. The bottom layer is eroded, so the limestone falling into the valley below.

Utilized water

Large amounts of water flowing in the short Niagara River (56 miles) from four of the five Great Lakes. It flows to the north from Lake Erie to Lake Ontario. In the middle of the stream, the river is used to generate hydroelectric power, which is shared by Canada and the United States. That said, this plant is one of the greatest sources of hydroelectric power in the world. Canadian and US power plants have a capacity of 4,200,000 kilowatts. Water for the turbines is taken from the Niagara River in part before the water falls.

Honeymoons and Light in the Night

Niagara Falls is a favorite location for honeymooners, especially after the screening of Niagara in 1953. At night, the waterfall is illuminated by colored spotlights, which give another dimension to the beauty and majesty of a unique location on our planet. Of course, a visit to Canada and the United States is not complete without a visit to the wonders of this world. And, if you're adventurous, do not forget the boat! You will not regret it or forget it


Auckland is the largest city and a major transportation hub in New Zealand. Make sure you stop by and enjoy shopping, dining, and natural charm that Auckland has to offer.

Imagine an urban environment where everyone lived just 30 minutes from beautiful beaches, hiking trails, and a dozen enchanting holiday islands. Pair sunny climate, a background rhythm of Polynesian culture, and love of delicious food, wine and shopping, then you begin to understand overview of Auckland, the largest city and most colorful in our country.

Shopping and culinary

Auckland is a shopping paradise, with everything from top-class designer to open street markets. While here, enjoy a variety of cafes, restaurants and nightlife of this city. Favorite place in the city center include the Wynyard Quarter, Viaduct Harbour, and the Britomart area.

After looking around the city, went to one of the four typical Auckland wine region, where you can sample the local vino wine against a backdrop of rolling hills and sparkling ocean.

City Screen (City of Sails)

Wherever you go in Auckland, you are never far from water. From the West Coast surf beaches are wild to calm the Hauraki Gulf, the sea and all its appeal make this city dubbed the City of Sails (City of Sails). Make sure you jump into the water while here, both with a relaxing harbor cruise, charter fishing, watching whales and dolphins, kayak, or surfing.
Islands vacation

Hauraki Gulf has many peaceful island to be explored. The greatest population is Waiheke Island, just 40 minutes by ferry from downtown Auckland. The landscape of this island is a stunning blend of various fields of agriculture, forests, beaches, vineyards, and olive groves.

Volcanoes and adventure

In the Auckland region, scattered 48 volcanic craters, which overlooks the beautiful and spectacular city, and is the perfect place for a picnic. Rangitoto Island, just a 25-minute ferry ride from Auckland, is the most typical volcano in the city and is a favorite spot for nature and bird watchers passer.

If you want adrenaline, go to the Sky Tower, the tallest building in the Southern Hemisphere - the brave can even jump out of it. Here in Auckland, you may also be interested to try climbing the bridge, bungy jumping, jet boat rides, skydiving, mountain biking, or exploring the canyon.

City unmatched

In the Maori language, Auckland is known as Tamaki-Macau-Rau - 'virgin with hundreds of applicants', because this region ogled by so many tribes. Name it remains true, because the lifestyle Auckland was rated one of the best in the world.

Come and see for yourself. Following one or two tours of goods a few days in Auckland is the perfect beginning for your holiday in New Zealand

Fiordland National Park

Outstanding natural environment presents fjord awesome, spectacular waterfalls, and snow capped peaks.
Rain forest primeval magic inherent in the mountains; waterfall collide hundreds of meters with a large fjord; shimmering lakes and granite peaks look the same as thousands of years ago.

Main Attractions

Fjord is a valley formed from the melt glaciers that form the letter U are then terluapi by sea water. Fourteen fjords are located along the southwestern edge of the South Island, was formed within 100,000 years, and finally embellished detail during the last ice age about 10,000 years ago. Maori connect this with the formation of giant fjords bricklayer named Tute Rakiwhanoa, which pounded the side of a steep ravine with his ax.On all sides of this fjord, stunning waterfalls flowing ceaselessly fall, as a result of excessive rainfall in the area, with an abundance of water that make their way to the ocean.
Described by Rudyard Kipling as the '8th Wonder of the World', Milford Sound is always amazing - flight and cruise ship tours operate every day reveal its beauty for visitors.
With a depth of 421 meters, Doubtful Sound is the deepest fjord in New Zealand. It is a natural paradise, home to dolphins, fur seals and penguins.
Two-thirds of the rest of Fiordland National Park is covered by beech and podocarp forest untouched. Network of walking paths along the 500 kilometers can be used by visitors to explore the ancient world of mountain peaks, lakes mountains and valleys are paved with moss.
In 1990 Fiordland listed as a UN World Heritage site and is named Te Wahipounamu - 'a green rocks', because most of the area has valuable minerals.


Department of Conservation provides more than 50 huts natural passer in this park. Camping 'Great Walks' is found in the path of Milford, Kepler and Routeburn, and hostels provide a level of comfort that is more than the usual hostel. Camping with basic facilities available in other lines - most have a bed mattresses, toilet facilities and water supply.
Various accommodations can be found in and around the lakeside towns Te Anau and Manapouri. Milford Sound, the only fjord that can be accessed by road, there is a backpacker lodge.

Important Activity

Great Walk and in the outer regions

Three 'Great Walk' in New Zealand can be found in Fiordland National Park. Path of the most famous (and continues to be the most popular) is the Milford Track, which takes five days to go. Kepler Track is a circular path that can be reached by walking for four days, while the Routeburn, which crosses Mount Aspiring National Park, it usually takes three days to complete. There are many more paths that are less well known, but is almost equally amazing to discover.

Paddle a kayak and dive in the ocean

Some of the fjord can be explored by kayak, as the lake at Te Anau and Manapouri. Diving in Fiordland presents a rare opportunity to witness the deep sea plants growing near the surface. Local residents including dolphins, fur seals and penguins.

Exploring the fjords

Every day sightseeing flight and tour guide services send visitors to Milford Sound to conduct exploration tour. Browsing nature towards the fjord that are difficult to reach can be arranged in Te Anau or Manapouri.

Important tips

  1. From the end of October until the end of April, booking is essential to ensure the huts for accommodation in Great Walk.
  2. Cold temperatures, snow, strong winds and heavy rain can occur at any time throughout the year. Prepare and Arm yourself.
  3. Insect repellent is a mandatory item to be brought in Fiordland National Park - as sand flies are very famous.
  4. If you are not an experienced person traveling in an open space, you are highly recommended to hire a guide.
  5. You can hunt and fishing in the park, but you are required to have a permit.

Calanques in Cassis, Small Heaven Captivating In France

Conduct tours in France, certainly will not miss visiting the Eiffel Tower. However there is one city you should see and enjoy while there in this romantic country. Cassis is a city that will bring a beautiful view of the bay now many and fascinating.

Cassis town located in the Bouches-du-Rhône is a small town with panoramic sky-blue ocean. However, the city is famous through the Gulf reef or the Calanques, which is referred to as the most beautiful in Europe and in France the tourist section. But this does not mean the old town has no other special place.

If you wish to visit the city that became the cradle of the world's millionaires, of France, you have to pass the big city of Marseille by using fast train TGV Paris - Marseille during a 3 hour drive and use local train to Cassis for 20 minutes. Many tourists go there in May and June.

The city is a part of history in the Roman period. Being a trade road to North Africa and the Middle East made by the Emperor Antoninus Pius. This town was once a fishing town pad and crafters shells. Many who do holiday in France precisely in this city on foot.In this city there are many small streets with beautiful staircase and charming architecture. There are many unique boutiques that provide local products are also restaurants and cafes. There are also many historical relics such as Cassis castle and some monuments or museums that we can go for free.

There are tourists affairs office at the port. Coming to Cassis should visit the valley and bay reefs or small paradise in France this. See coral bay in France called Calanques, can be done with sailing ship with prices starting at 13 euros and walk.

From Cassis to the coral bay will take up to 25 or 35 minutes. Along the way, you will see a large private house building and beautiful. Moreover, the building facing the sea or some house owners and their private beach.

Once there, you will see a view of coral bay with many big ships and small are anchored there. It is very fascinating from a stretch of the beauty of this little paradise France. Calanques is one of the grace of God that is so perfect in French tourist precisely southern France.

Religious Tourism in Egypt

Egypt one of the countries located on the African continent in this country's history and heritage tourist places are stunning. Almost all regions in Egypt has historical value. 10 Egyptian tourist destination list is certainly not able to represent what the real Egypt.

1. The Pyramids and the Sphinx

Egypt is almost identical with its pyramids and sphinx. There are more than 80 pyramids in Egypt, and is the largest pyramid Pyramids of Giza and the Great Sphinx is the largest shpinx. In the body of the pyramid there is a mummy or kings are preserved, while the sphinx is a human-headed lion. Pyramids and sphinx in Egypt prove that the highest man-made structure in the world that holds many mysteries.

2. Cairo

Egypt's capital city is the largest city in Africa and the most populous. Cairo is also a center of Islamic science. The oldest university in the world Al-Azhar was also in Cairo. Building houses, ancient buildings are very thick with Islamic architecture. Cairo is the nickname for the city by 1000 the tower. Because of mosques in Cairo minimum has two towers.

3. Alexandria

Or Al Iskandariyya Alexandria is Egypt's second largest city and one of the most famous cities in the world. In Alexandria there is a sphinx and the ancient Roman theater. The Great Lighthouse included in the 7 Wonders of the World. Many tourists are attracted to visit Alexandria because the place is very beautiful.

4. Red Sea

Red Sea is mentioned in the holy book at the time of Moses parting the Red Sea with his cane. When the followers of Moses and the Israelites escape the Pharaoh. Suez Canal connects the Red Sea (Egypt) to the Mediterranean Sea. Red Sea biodiversity, coral reefs, atolls and high salinity. Although many dangerous species in the Red Sea, but it did not dampen the divers to enjoy its beauty.

5. Luxor

Luxor is an ancient city in South Heliopolis, in Luxor there are many historical sites such as the monuments of Ancient Egypt lie, the ruins of the temples and tombs as well as the largest open-air museum. Tourism is the economic foundation of the population of Luxor.
Nile River

6. Nile

The Nile is the longest river in the world and where the legendary Moses never washed away into the Nile until found by Pharaoh's daughter. The Nile is the heart of Egypt's population lives. Egyptian public life rests on the Nile. Start of tourism facilities, dams, the center of economy, agriculture, fisheries, transportation and so forth. Not one if there is a saying that says, "The Nile is a gift to the people of Egypt".

7. Hurghada

Hurghada is a city in Egypt, located on the Red Sea and is famous for its beautiful beaches with white sand. Hurghada also offers tourist attractions are well-supported facilities. In Hurghada there are many resorts, hotels and inns. Coral reefs Hurghada Beach is considered the most beautiful in the world. Hurghada also become an international center of water sports such as windsurfing, sailing, diving and more.

8. Sharm el-Sheikh

Sharm el-Sheikh is Egypt tourist town area, lots of entertainment and tourism facilities available here. Strategic position overlooking the Bay of Tiran and the Gulf of Aqaba, Sharm el-Sheikh is a paradise of water attractions such as snorkeling, scuba diving and more. In Sharm el-Sheikh, we can see Mount Sinai and Naama Bay. Golf course with complete facilities are also available there.

9. Karnak

Karnak is a temple complex, the ruins of temples, colonnades and other buildings. This site shows that the first ever lasted a civilization. There are 3 main temple and many small temples. In the reign of Pharaoh, Karnak was built as a place of worship.

10. Mount Sinai

Mount Sinai is the highest peak in the town of Saint Kahterine's. Mount Sinai is visited by many tourists, because in this mountain Moses received the revelation of God, which is the 10 commandments were given to Israel. At the peak of Sinai also stands a mosque and a church, and many climbers are attracted towards the peak.

Enjoy the view of the river Reihn

Reihn river has a length of about 1,233 kilometers. The river passes through several countries in Europe that began on the Swiss region of the Grisons the southeastern Alps and into Germany, the river also flows in the North Sea, the Netherlands. These guys Reihn river is the longest river-12 in continental Europe.
The name of the Rhine itself has meaning to flow. In the Dutch language is called the Rhine river and the Rhine in the German language.

Reihn River became a favorite tourist area because it offers a charming natural scenery. Along the river backpacker child will see the green hills flanking the river which is very important in this Europe.Reich used this river flow to mendistirbusikan goods to several places in Germany. Arguably, the Rhine is the main distribution roads in Germany. Germany also made a good transport infrastructure by utilizing the Rhein river.The Germans would often visit this Reihn river to sekdar relax and enjoy the scenery on the river Reihn adai. Eve in the river is very cool to make anyone who visits will linger relax around this river.

Along the river there are some cities that Reihn often used as a tourist destination by both local and foreign tourists. 
What are some interesting city to visit in the river Rhein? we'll see the next time..

City Beaches

Vacation to the beach in Perth? The beach which is required you visit if planning a holiday in Perth, Western Australia. City Beaches is one of the most popular beaches and much in demand among families Perth. Because the beach is often used as a vacation spot of the parents with the children when the weekend arrives. City Beaches is a soft white sand beach and clean sea water color is very blue. This beach also has waves that are too big, so it is safe for children who want to swim around the coast. The west side of the city of Perth is directly adjacent to the sea, so there are many beautiful beaches that are worth a visit.

Kilimanjaro One of the highest mountain in the world

Located 340 km south of the equator, Mount Kilimanjaro is one of three mountains open to the eternal snow on the equator, in addition to Cayambe in Ecuador and peak Jaya in Indonesia.
As the main object in Tanzania and the symbol of the East African countries, in 1973 made the National Park Kilimanjaro region, and in 1987 Kilimanjaro National Park (KINAPA) is recognized as a Natural Heritage Site by the United Nations. Currently, Kilimanjaro region with Kibo Peak (5,895 m asl) as the highest roof of the African continent, visited by more than 35,000 visitors each year.
Various accessibility, accommodation, security, and professional guide services, allowing more people to enjoy the natural beauty of this increasingly scarce. Kilimanjaro as a world natural heritage improve itself and in the last 4 years of tourist arrivals increased by over three-fold.
Fabulous Observing nature management in Kili, traveling in the mission "Kilimanjaro for Lupus" continues to create awe and envy. Tanzania, a developing country with over 30 percent of the population below the poverty line, capable of highly disciplined. Marangu Gate is one of the 7 route ascent to the summit of Kilimanjaro at an altitude of 1,800 m. Management office building containing three officers met the prospective climbers who lined up neatly.
In front of a small kiosk, containing the complete needs of climbing up a souvenir merchandise. Bathroom facilities sit and picnic area neat and clean, four noticeboard climbing, prohibition, appeal and regulations terjajar climbing nicely on a wooden board with carved inscription legible.
The entire building is identified with a clear point board. Not visible garbage can, but we did not find any garbage scattered. The guides reliably help us register and manage logistics with 26 porters, cooks, and assistant guides are largely a Chagga tribe, the largest tribe in the Kilimanjaro region.
Pristine natural setting along the 70 km journey up and down we feel so deeply. Flora and fauna that we encountered seemed quiet undisturbed. Picnic area in the form of a wooden bench table, cottage WC clean and maintained in every 5-7 km trip, three climbers hut with a capacity of 70 people in Mandara, Horombo 148 people and 58 people in the Kibo ready welcome.
Each cottage triangular structure with bunk beds for 4-10 climber is a wooden building with bedding and pillows. The cottage was enough to make us more comfortable than sleeping in a tent. In addition, available WC with abundant water, dining hall, common kitchen and specialized guides and porters lodge, plus a solar panel that is ready to light up every room every night.
Good facilities without user discipline, whatever that means. In KINAPA guides hold the key in the management of national parks. By guiding the categorization system versus reward, they are required to continue to improve services, natural science, technical knowledge climbing and rescue, as well as the ability to communicate and speak.
Penalty system, in the form of a suspension to revocation of license, apply KINAPA management to ensure no violations, such as the use of fuels that are not recommended, disturb the flora and fauna, the use of outside service provision, negligence guides, and other strict rules that can stop the source of the income of the guide .
Being a guide is a dream of most people Chagga tribe who live around the foot of Kilimanjaro. It took more than 5 years to become the head of the guide, with the highest rewards. With 2-3 years experience to be a porter to forge physical, 2 years of education on the job training as an assistant guide, until finally the test by KINAPA for certification guides.
As in many developing countries, the welfare of the guides and porters still an important issue. The great advantage is still more absorbed tour operators who live in urban areas. Facilities completeness climbing equipment until proper clothing can not always be met. Until many who suffer from pain and even death.
Two large association was formed in early 2003; KPAP (Kilimanjaro Porters Assistance Project) and KGPU (Kilimanjaro Guides and Porter Union). KPAP an initiative of the International Mountain Explorers Connections based in America, who fight for the rights of the porter in the whole world, such as in the area of ​​Nepal Annapurna Sanctuary and the Inca trail in Peru. Services in the form of loaning equipment to proper clothing free of charge; English language training, P3K to HIV knowledge that hit eight percent of the population of Tanzania; personal financial management; and to educate users porter services. Medium KGPU established by former guide and porter, Joseph Nyabasi, with the aim of improving the welfare of those who make a living from the mountain through the same mission.
Demands professionalism coupled with worker protection agencies in the mountain, making this region one of the most popular natural tourist destination.

Beaches Rio De Janeiro

Rio de Janeiro is the second largest city in Brazil, on the South Atlantic coast. Rio is famous for its breathtaking landscape, its laidback beach culture and its annual carnival.
The harbour of Rio de Janeiro is comprised of a unique entry from the ocean that makes it appear to be the mouth of a river. Additionally, the harbor is surrounded by spectacular geographic features including Sugar Loaf mountain at 395 meters (1,296 feet), Corcovado Peak at 704 meters (2,310 feet), and the hills of Tijuca at 1,021 meters (3,350 feet). These features work together to collectively make the harbor one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World 
Even the most seasoned tourist will find the beaches here quite amazing. They are wide and clean, with soft white sand. The main beaches from Leme to Barra have plenty of services for the beach goers, including free showers at the beach, wet trails to walk on cool sand, clean pay toilets, life-savers and police, tents and chairs for rent, soft drinks and alcoholic bars, food.
The beaches are from East to West (Downtown outwards):
  • Ramos (in-bay) - inappropriate for bathing
  • Flamengo (in-bay) - usually inappropriate for bathing
  • Botafogo (in-bay) - inappropriate for bathing
  • Urca (in-bay) - usually inappropriate for bathing
  • Vermelha (oceanic) - Mostly appropriate for bathing
  • Leme (oceanic)
  • Copacabana (oceanic)
  • Arpoador (oceanic)
  • Ipanema (oceanic)
  • Leblon (oceanic)
  • São Conrado (oceanic) - sometimes inappropriate for bathing
  • Barra da Tijuca (oceanic)
  • Recreio dos Bandeirantes (oceanic)
  • Grumari (oceanic)
  • Abricó (oceanic, nudist beach)
Abricó is the only official nudist beach in the area of Rio de Janeiro, it lies next to Grumari beach. Only accessible by car/taxi. An option is taking the bus numbered S-20 (Recreio) that passes along Copacabana/Ipanema/Leblon, and from the end of the line (ponto final) take a cab, for a travel time of almost 2 hours.
It is also worth visiting the beaches in the island Paquetá, particularly:
  • Praia da Moreninha (on the Guanabara Bay, but often not clean enough for swimming)
Cariocas have a unique beach culture, with a code of customs which outlanders (even Brazilians from other cities) can misconstrue easily. Despite what many foreigners may believe, there are no topless beaches. Girls can wear tiny string bikinis (fio dental), but it doesn't mean they're exhibitionists. For most of them, it's highly offensive to stare. Until the 1990s, men and boys wore speedos, then wearing bermuda shorts or trunks became more common. Speedos ("sungas" in Portuguese) and square leg suits are now making a comeback. Jammers are less common but still accepted.
Waves in Rio vary from tiny and calm in the Guanabara bay beaches (Paquetá, Ramos, Flamengo, Botafogo, Urca) to high, surf-ideal waves in Recreio. In Leme, Copacabana, Arpoador, Ipanema, and Leblon, there's a popular way of "riding" the waves called pegar jacaré (pe-GAHR zha-kah-REH; literally, "to grab an alligator"). You wait for the wave to come behind you then swim on top of it until it crumbles next to the sand.
Commerce is common in Rio's beaches, with thousands of walking vendors selling everything from sun glasses or bikinis to fried shrimp to cooling beverages (try mate com limão, a local ice tea mixed with lemonade, or suco de laranja com cenoura, orange and carrot juice). For food, there is also empada (baked flour pastry filled with meat or cheese), sanduíche natural (cool sandwich with vegetables and mayo) and middle eastern food (Kibbehs and pastries). Vendors typically shout out loud what they're selling, but they won't usually bother you unless you call them. All along the beaches there are also permanent vendors who will sell you a beer and also rent you a beach chair and an umbrella for a few Reais.
The beaches in Barra and Recreio (Quebra-Mar, Pepê, Pontal, Prainha) were favored by surfers and hang-gliders until the 1980s, but now they are outnumbered by the middle-class and nouveau riche from the suburbs and also West Zone favela residents, such as now world-famous Cidade de Deus (City of God, made famous in the eponymous film).

Plengkung Beach Banyuwangi

Plengkung beach is within the National Park Alas Purwo in Banyuwangi East Java. The location is located in the southeast of the island of Java, dealing directly with the Indian Ocean.

The letter "G" on the beach also known name designation G-Land has a meaning, namely "Grajagan". Grajagan is the name of a bay located just west of the beach. The topography of the area is surrounded Plengkung beach beautiful natural tropical forests.
For those of you who like surfing, try try out the waves at the beach Plengkung Banyuwangi. The beach is located at the eastern end of Java Island is one of the paradise for surfers. Also known as the G-Land, you can feel the thrill of riding the waves stunning beaches. With high waves, large, and extends that Plengkung Beach is known as one of the beaches with the biggest waves in the world.
The enormity of the waves on the beach Plengkung Banyuwangi make it into the ranks of "The Seven Giant Waves of Wonder" as one of the largest in the world. Wave height can reach up to 4-6 meters with 7 rolls composite wave formation. These formations can reach a length of 2 kilometers. This is why professional surfers have high interest to conquer waves Plengkung Beach.